
Member Management

Ability to create member profiles, Edit and Deactivate Members.

Loan Management

Ability to manage different loan types, loan applications, appraisals, Disbursements and loan collection among others

Savings Management

Ability to manage different savings accounts and set different rules such as charges , Transfers among others

Business Settings

We offer a wide range of business settings including sheduling types for loans, Module access among others

Messaging Center

We Provide automated sms functionality for transactions made my members and automated reminders for loan collection


We provide different access to members according to their roles they play on the system. This is a step in ensuring security of sacco members.

Financial Reports

We offer a wide range of financial reports and other different reports in the system for analysis and decision making

USSD Integration

Savenet offers USSD feature to clients upon request. This is to help members to make transactions where ever they are.

Intuitive Design

We provide a simple and yet to use interface for our Sacco management system

Mailer Engine

We provide automated daily updates to members upon successful transactions and for the administration we provide daily summary reports

Mobile Application

We provide a member portal mobile application for members who track different transactions made on their accounts

Free Updates

We offer free and continuous updates on the system for clients already enrolled with this.